is a morphological process whereby a bound morpheme, an affix, is attached to a
morphological base. Diachronically, the English word affix was first
used as a verb and has its origin in Latin: affixus, past participle of
the verb affigere, ad- ‘to’ + figere ‘to fix’. Affixation falls in the scope of
Morphology where bound morphemes are either roots or affixes. Prefixes (affixes
that precede the root) and suffixes (affixes that follow the root) are the most
common types of affixes cross-linguistically. Affixes mark derivational (-er
in teach-er) and inflectional (-s in teacher-s) changes,
and affixation is the most common strategy that human languages employ for
derivation of new words and word forms. However, languages vary in the ways
they express the same semantics, and if in English the noun biolog-ist
is derived from biology through the addition of the suffix -ist,
in Russian (and other Slavic languages) the same derivation does not involve
the addition of an affix but subtraction of form: biolog-ija ‘biology’ → biolog
‘biologist’. Most languages make an extensive use of affixes (most European,
African, Australian, and Amerindian languages are of this type), whereas others
(e.g., Vietnamese), hardly do. In languages that use affixes, there is a
general preference for suffixes over prefixes.
Affix adalah elemen kata yang
ditambahkan sebelum, sesudah atau di dalam root atau stem (base form dari suatu kata) untuk
menghasilkan kata baru.
Derivation dan Inflection
baru yang dihasilkan mungkin melalui derivation (proses pembentukkan kata
turunan: electrician, happyness, weight ) atau
melalui inflection (variasi pada kata: walks,
studied). Derivation mungkin merubah kelas kata dari base
form, sedangkan inflection tidak. Selain itu, makna pada
kata hasil derivation biasanya berubah secara drastis. Tidak seperti
inflection yang cenderung dapat diprediksi. Misalnya melalui derivation, happy (adjective) dikombinasikan dengan -ness (derivational
suffix), menjadi happiness (noun) yang berubah kelas katanya. Lain halnya
dengan walk (verb) yang dikombinasikan dengan -s (inflectional
suffix) menjadi walks (verb) yang tidak berubah kelasnya
melalui inflection.
dengan derivational suffix, derivational prefix normalnya tidak
mengubah kelas kata dari suatu base form.
- exderivational prefix + wiferoot (noun) = ex-wife (noun)
- rederivational prefix + callroot (verb) = recall (verb)
adalah adalah huruf atau kelompok huruf yang ditempatkan di awal kata atau
root (bentuk paling sederhana (base form) dari suatu kata — tidak dapat
diuraikan lagi) untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata tersebut.
merupakan salah satu tipe affix (imbuhan). Setiap prefix mempunyai arti
(mungkin lebih dari satu arti). Berikut beberapa contoh prefix yang umum
digunakan beserta contoh kata bentukkannya.
Suffix adalah huruf atau kelompok huruf
yang ditempatkan di akhir kata atau root (bentuk
paling sederhana (base form) dari suatu kata — tidak dapat diuraikan lagi)
untuk menghasilkan kata baru.
A suffix
is a group of letters placed after the root of a word. For example, the word
flavorless consists of the root word "flavor" combined with the
suffix "-less" [which means "without"]; the word
"flavorless" means "having no flavor."
A suffix
can make a new word in one of two ways:
- inflectional (grammatical): for example, changing singular to plural (dog → dogs), or changing present tense to past tense (walk → walked). In this case, the basic meaning of the word does not change.
- derivational (the new word has a new meaning, "derived" from the original word): for example, teach → teacher or care → careful.
Look at
these examples:
derivational suffixes, the new word has a new meaning, and is usually a
different part of speech. But the new meaning is related to the old meaning -
it is "derived" from the old meaning.
We can
add more than one suffix, as in this example:
derive (verb) +
ation → derivation
(noun) + al → derivational
Note that
the suffix -er can convert almost any verb into the person or thing
performing the action of the verb. For example: a teacher is a person
who teaches, a lover loves, a killer kills, an observer
observes, a walker walks, a runner runs; a sprinkler is a
thing that sprinkles, a copier copies, a shredder shreds.
An infix
is placed within a word; these are rare in English, though cupful can be made
plural as cupsful by inserting the plural s as an infix; infixes sometimes
occur in facetious creations like absobloodylutely (which some grammarians
would rather describe as tmesis). Infixes often appear as linking vowels
between prefixes and stems, for example the final letters of narco- and calci-.
They are also found between a stem ending in a consonant and a suffix beginning
with one, as with -ferous, which frequently appears as -iferous, or -logy,
which is commonly seen as -ology. The only examples of such linking vowel
infixes here are -i- and -o-.
or Confixes
morphology, circumfix is the combination of a prefix and a suffix that attach
to a base simultaneously to express a single meaning or category. Indonesian
often employs confixes to form verbs from noun. For example, one meaning of the
word hantu is "ghost." When the confix meng-____-i is
added, the new word menghantui can be a verb that means “to frighten or
haunt.” In a similar way, confixes can be used to form adjectives from verbs,
as with lihat and kelihatan, which can mean “see” and “visible,”
has a variety of circumfix and English does not.
a suprasegmental feature distinguishing the meaning or grammatical function of
one word or phrase from that of another, as stress does for example between the
noun conduct and the verb conduct.
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