Jumat, 08 April 2016

Morpheme (Free Morpheme and Bound Morpheme, Allomorph and Zero Allomorph)


Morphology is  the linguistics which examines the formation of the word / morpheme and also variations of the compound word / morpheme in a language .
The object of morphology is morpheme . A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language. Basically , morpheme is divided into free morpheme and bound morpheme .

Free Morpheme

Free morpheme is the morpheme that can stand alone to function as a word. They comprise simple words (words made up of one free morpheme) and compound words (words made up of two free morphemes). Examples:
Simple words: the, run, on, well
Compound words: keyboard, greenhouse, bloodshed, smartphone

Free Morpheme there are two types , namely lexical morpheme and functional morpheme
Lexical morpheme is a morpheme that can stand on its own (alone) and it can convey the content of the messages that we want convey , is divided into three , namely nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Nouns          =Book
Adjectives   =Happy 
Verbs          =Write 

Another case or different from the Lexical morpheme , Functional morpheme is a morpheme that can stand Alone but its contents will be not delivered obviously , is divided into six, they are pronouns, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, intejections, and demonstrative.

1.    Pronoun            : I, You, We, They, He, She, It
2.    Article              : A, An, The
3.    Preposition       : At, On, In, ... etc
4.    Conjunction      : And, But, Before, After, When ... etc
5.    Interjections     : Ah, Hi, Hello, Wow, ... etc
6.    Demostrative    : That, This, Reviews These, Those

Bound Morpheme

Bound morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone as meaningful element in a sentence or stand alone as a word, but it should attach to other element in order to have a meaning. These morphemes usually are prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. Bound morpheme usually changes the meaning, number or word class after it attaches to other word.

Bound morphemes are divided into two , namely derivational morphemes and inflectional morphemes.
Derivational morphemes are morphemes that if fastened / affixed to the other morpheme will form morpheme / word that is new or to form words with grammar (lexeme) is different from the previous word . In the derivational there are two kinds, which can be found in the beginning of a word (prefixes) or in the end of a word (suffixes) , in Indonesian we used to know as affixes (affixes) .
Example : the word beautiful (adj) is derived from the beauty (noun) that receive additional morpheme "ful" which changed the noun into an adjective . Well of the reason it was morpheme "ful" included in the suffix derivational morphemes (located at the end of the word) for changing the word from noun lexeme lexeme turned into an adjective .
Inflectional  morphemes are  morphemes are attached / morpheme attached to another just to identify gramatikanya , not to produce a new word or form words with grammar (lexeme) is different from the previous word .
Example : word books (noun) is derived from the book (noun), here the book turns into books due to explain that the book polynomial (plural), so it does not change the lexeme of the word, because the word book into books remain on lexeme the same is noun lexeme .


Allomorph is variant form of a morpheme but it doesn’t change the meaning. Allomorph has different in pronunciation and spelling according to their condition. It means that allomorph will have different sound, pronunciation or spelling in different condition. The condition depends on the element that it attaches to. Example:

A teacher : A (Allomorph), teacher (Root/Stem), Countable noun (Meaning)
An Egg : An (Allomorph), egg (Root/Stem), Countable noun (Meaning)
Illogical : Il (Allomorph), logical (Root/Stem), negative (Meaning)
Impossible : Im (Allomorph), possible (Root/Stem), negative (Meaning)

We can see that allomorph is a variant sound, of one morpheme. It has different pronunciation and spelling, but it still has same meaning. See the example bellow:

“In-“, “Il-” and “Im-” at the words above are the variant sound of “In-“. Although it has different sound and spelling, it is still similar in meaning that is negative.

Zero Allomorph
Zero Allomorph means there is no change from singular to plural. Examples :
Deer   moose
Fish    sheep



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