Compounding is
the word formation process in
which two or more lexemes combine into a single new word. Compound words may be
written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen.
Compounding adalah proses pembentukan kata di mana dua atau lebih
leksem digabungkan
menjadi sebuah kata baru. Compound Words
dapat ditulis sebagai satu kata atau dua kata yang digabungkan dengan tanda penghubung.
There are
examples of the compounding:
-noun-noun compound: note + book → notebook
-adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry
-verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom
-noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed
-verb-verb compound: stir + fry → stir-fry
-adjective-verb compound: high + light → highlight
-verb-preposition compound: break + up → breakup
-preposition-verb compound: out + run → outrun
-adjective-adjective compound: bitter + sweet → bittersweet
-preposition-preposition compound: in + to → into
Compounds may
be compositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word is determined by
combining the meanings of the parts, or noncompositional, meaning that the
meaning of the new word cannot be determined by combining the meanings of the parts.
arti kata baru ditentukan dengan menggabungkan makna dari bagian-bagian , atau noncompositional , yang berarti bahwa arti kata baru tidak dapat ditentukan dengan menggabungkan makna dari bagian-bagian .
For example, a blueberry is a berry that is blue. However, a breakup is not a relationship
that was severed into pieces in an upward direction.
For example,
the adjective black of the noun phrase black bird is different
from the adjective black of the compound noun blackbird in that black
of black bird functions as a noun phrase modifier while the black
of blackbird is an inseparable part of the noun: a black bird also
refers to any bird that is black in color while a blackbird is a specific type
of bird.
Clipping is the
word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing
the meaning of the word. Clipping differs from back-formation in that the new
word retains the meaning of the original word.
There are
examples of clipping:
advertisement – ad
alligator – gator
examination – exam
gasoline – gas
gymnasium – gym
influenza – flu
laboratory – lab
mathematics – math
memorandum – memo
photograph – photo
public house – pub
raccoon – coon
reputation – rep
situation comedy – sitcom
telephone – phone
The four types
of clipping are back clipping, fore-clipping, middle clipping, and complex
Back clipping
is removing the end of a word as in gas from gasoline. Fore-clipping is removing the beginning of a word
as in gator from alligator. Middle clipping is retaining only the middle of a
word as in flu from influenza. Complex clipping is removing multiple parts from
multiple words as in sitcom from situation comedy.
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