Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Biography of Charlotte Linde


Charlotte Linde
About Charlotte
Charlotte’s specialization is in narrative and institutional memory, and at NASA, some of her recent work tackles how moon and Mars spaceship planning teams “preserve and use representations of the past to guide present and future actions.”  So, for example, how does NASA as an organization  learn from past successes and failures in advancing the next mission.  Narratives are one form in which knowledge is stored and a linguist can think about things like: Who uses them?  In what contexts?  To what ends?   Does the institution want to manage these uses?  If so how and why?
For those of you unfamiliar with her work, Charlotte is probably best known for her work on politeness and accidents in pilot-air traffic controller interactions.
Another thing that she is working on now is the nature of authority, and how it is negotiated in language.  This is a HUGE area for linguists. I
About Knowledge Management
Charlotte’s work for NASA falls within the realm of “knowledge management.” What is “knowledge management” you ask? Well, if you want to learn more, here is a place to start.  The author of that resource defines it this way: “Where and in what forms knowledge exists; what the organization needs to know; how to promote a culture conducive to learning, sharing, and knowledge creation; how to make the right knowledge available to the right people at the right time; how to best generate or acquire new relevant knowledge; how to manage all of these factors so as to enhance performance in light of the organization’s strategic goals and short term opportunities and threats.
Linguistics as training for Knowledge Management 
In our conversation, Charlotte helped me to see that knowledge management is something that we linguists are uniquely equipped for.  We listen better than the average bear.  We observe detail better than the average bear.  We cue into things that other people might not even notice in the first place.
For instance, I happen to posses a great deal of knowledge about where it is that people have found professional expression of their passion for linguistics.  To apply a knowledge management lens to my situation would be to think about the forms in which my knowledge about career paths is stored.  Where is this information contained?  Right now, a great deal of it exists only in my brain and then in the stories that I tell.  I am invested in finding more ways to disseminate this information, in other words, it is tied up with a strategy to want to share my knowledge for myriad reasons, among them:
  • Dissemination would help employers better understand how to use us as linguists, perhaps forging new connections, ones that we have not yet dreamed of
  • Dissemination helps those who are just starting their training envision new ways of applying it, perhaps motivating a current student to take a class that they would not have thought to take otherwise
  • Dissemination helps those who are out there working better understand and articulate the value of their work
  • Which might attract those who are only thinking about studying linguistics, and who would have been turned off by the field if they thought the only application of it were in academia.

Error Analyzing


Error Analyzing on thesis  “HERLIS SEPTINA”
These are some errors that I found in the thesis, begin from Chapter I until chapter III.
1.       Verb Tense
Errors of tense or wrong verb occur when a learner uses the wrong verb tense in a certain sentence. The result of this study reveal that the participants were not aware of applying the correct tense to the verb in the sentences.
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The Students can created their ideas about the topic
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The Students can create their ideas about the topic
b.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The researcher was review some related theories from the Experts about writing
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The researcher reviewed some related theories from the Experts about writing
c.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The generic structure of the descriptive text divide into two parts
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The generic structure of the descriptive text is divided into two parts
d.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The Teacher ask the students group to response about what they will be written
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The Teacher ask the students group to response about what they will write
e.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : It meant that the teacher should continue to explore the handwriting ability of students
ERROR CORRECTIONS : It means that the teacher should continue to explore the handwriting ability of students
f.        ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : In this research he use modified Delphi Method in a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project
ERROR CORRECTIONS : In this research he used modified Delphi Method in a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project
g.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The participants of this research are the students of SMPN 29 Pekanbaru
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The participants of this research were the students of SMPN 29 Pekanbaru

2.       Subject/Verb Agreement
Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in number of singular or plural. Thus, if a subject (the person or thing doing the action) is singular, its verb (the word representing the action) must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : Text is usually also used to help the writer develop an aspect of their work
ERROR CORRECTIONS : Text is usually also used to help the writer develops an aspect of their work
b.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The teacher ask the students group to combine the ides to be a good decision to write a text
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The teacher asks the students group to combine the ides to be a good decision to write a text
c.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The teacher give the ranking vote of their ideas from the group
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The teacher gives the ranking vote of their ideas from the group

3.       Pronouns
A pronouns is a word that takes the place of a noun. We use pronouns to make sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive. It was classified into several types, i.e. the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the relative pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the intensive pronoun.
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : Through writing, the writer can express and explain our own ideas
ERROR CORRECTIONS : Through writing, the writer can express and explain her/his own ideas (The writers à their)

4.       Spelling
Spelling is the foundation of writing and shares common linguistics knowledge with reading. Spelling is a precise measure of literacy-related skills because it requires attention to conventional forms which can acquired through processing phonological, orthographic, and morphological coding in working memory. In EA spelling errors can be seen as misspelling, lack or omission of alphanumerical.
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : This techniquce can be used by the teacher to develop their teaching technique
ERROR CORRECTIONS : This technique can be used by the teacher to develop their teaching technique
b.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The teacher could also see students’ writing ability, and their comprehension about the materia
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The teacher could also see students’ writing ability, and their comprehension about the material
c.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : N = Number of paricipants
ERROR CORRECTIONS : N = Number of participants
d.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : Reading or Memoing
ERROR CORRECTIONS : Reading or Memoring

5.       Capitalization
Capitalization means writing a word with its first letter as a capital letter (upper-case letter) and the remaining letters in small letter (lower-case letters).
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : According to Grenville (2001 : 8) There are some steps in writing
ERROR CORRECTIONS : According to Grenville (2001 : 8) there are some steps in writing
b.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : putting these ideas into the best order making a plan
ERROR CORRECTIONS : Putting these ideas into the best order making a plan

6.       Prepositions
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. It links noun, pronoun and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrases that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. The great majority of the participants in this study demonstrated confusion for the right usage of prepositions as shown in the example below.
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : Sentence structure of in formal conversation in initial writing
ERROR CORRECTIONS : Sentence structure of formal conversation in initial writing
b.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : To find out whether Delphi Technique can improve students’ writing skill in descriptive text at of students VII.2 SMPN 29 Pekanbaru
ERROR CORRECTIONS : To find out whether Delphi Technique can improve students’ writing skill in descriptive text at students of VII.2 SMPN 29 Pekanbaru

7.       Sentence Fragment
A sentence fragment is a group of words that is only part of a sentence and does not express a complete thought. Usually sentence fragments are pieces of sentences that have become disconnected from the main clauses. Some fragments are incomplete because they lack either a subject or a verb.
a.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : And the purpose of learning English to develop four skills
ERROR CORRECTIONS : And the purpose of learning English is to develop four skills
b.      ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : Students low ability in writing descriptive text
ERROR CORRECTIONS : Students have low ability in writing descriptive text
c.       ERROR IDENTIFICATIONS : The students are able to topic development
ERROR CORRECTIONS : The students are able to develop the topic

By analyzing the Errors that exist in Thesis of HERLIS SEPTNA, I found some Errors that I’ve explained above. I also make a statistic of those errors into tables below:
Types of Error
Verb Tense
Word Order
Subject/Verb Agreement
Double Negative
Sentence Fragment

1.       The largest Error is found in Chapter II.
2.       The largest Types of Error in each Chapter is Verb Tense.
3.       The largest Types of Error in all Chapter is Verb Tense.